Keeping with the tradition of telling everyone what it going on today I received my shipment of perks to send out to the donors for the project and my business cards and magnets.
First, the perks for those that helped me pass my indiegogo goal: Stickers, magnets, and T-shirts (oh, my).
The Stickers
The business card-sized magnets
The simple yet elegant T-shirt
A few other things that I will share are the things that local folks should be on the look out for in the near future:
Business Cards Front and Back
Large Magnets to go on the car. –The Mobile part of the mobile museum
Here they are, blurry, but on the refrigerator for scale.
Thanks, yet again, to all those who have shared the project, donated to the project, and/or offered encouraging words to the project’s director. Soon these posts will be about the pieces in the museum, the places I give talks, and the people I meet!